Wednesday, March 3, 2010


There has been a lot of talk lately about billboards and signage in L.A. Recently a building owner was arrested for allowing a huge movie ad to cover almost 90% of the facade of his multi-story building. I don't know all the details besides that it was in Hollywood, right next door to where the Academy Awards will be held this Sunday, and that ad would have been in every red carpet shot. Boo hoo. That is not the first (nor last) ad covered building in L.A.

That incident has raised city officials to "crack" down on billboards, ads, and signage around in the city. But a few other, more noteworthy ads have caught the attention of angelenos. I know it caught mine. I seemed to notice a handful of random "commercial less" billboards around the city. I paid closer attention and realized it was a deliberate project by the Mak Center. They commissioned about 20 artists to create art instead of ads. Pretty interesting.

I hope to find more!

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