Friday, July 13, 2007

los angeles por vida.

coincidence or was someone trying to make social commentary? i bet there are more around the city. this was outside the bakery.

the next post will be full of pics from the philippines and thailand. yee.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

shoes shoes shoes.

a lot of babies/kids come to the bakery. i will have a post with all of their pictures soon. however i like to call henry our mascot because i think hes so darn cool and like every baby he loves to eat anything we feed him.

he came in wearing nike dunks. he fits right in. see why i think hes so cool?

and while henry is rocking some nice kicks, anoher kid is missing theirs.

my college graduation shoes purchased before i graduated highschool. haha.

not so recent but i had to post it.

and a random funny photo.
i saw this while driving on hollywood blvd. i was laughing by myself in my car. and i took it at a red light. you might need to know tagalog to understand the humor.

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

cut out for the holiday

no work today. woke up lazy as hell. had no rush to get out of bed until i get the phonecall that mama cut her finger and was in the ER.

making baguettes is a very dangerous job. appreciate them long sticks of bread you eat.

still hustlin even when injured. nothing stops this woman.

she fractured the tip of her finger too. bring on the vicodin.